Our collaborations create 360° circles of social influence
How do you know which influencer works for your brand, where do you find them and how do you negotiate the best terms for your brand? Navigating this ecosystem can be confusing and time-consuming. This is where WhiteVox, as an influencer marketing agency, can help you.
We ensure that your brand is matched to the influencer who can best amplify your message. When it comes to social media influencer marketing, the key element is credibility. It’s not about how many followers the influencer has but how credible he or she is. Moreover, whether or not the influencer has the target audience for the brand’s message or product.
Like everything else in digital space, data plays an important role while drafting an influencer marketing strategy. We shortlist the right influencers based on a variety of metrics – followers, clicks and shares, in-depth analysis of their posts and blogs etc. In a nutshell, a lot goes into vetting influencers thoroughly.
We provide influencer engagement across a wide spectrum such as technology, lifestyle, fashion, sport, news and auto across all social media platforms. Our influencer marketing services include domestic and international bloggers, vloggers and instagrammers.