Google All Set to Integrate AMP Benefits to Open Web Standards

The Content Team 5 years ago

The success of digital marketing largely depends on user experience. In the endeavor, Google has always been upfront in improving the experience of its users. Several new techniques and strategies have surfaced from time to time and have faded into oblivion. With the recent announcements from Google, they have made their goals quite clear once more.

The Big Announcement!

Google is now thinking of utilizing AMP in its open web standards. This means whatever its experts have learned from AMP might undergo improvisation in the currently used designing and programming to take things to the next level.

About AMP

AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages framework came to fray in the year 2015. It has been integrated into publishing platforms ever since. Reports suggest that sites that had used them into their framework have witnessed positive gains, both in terms of performance and conversion rates. Therefore, so far it has been quite a success.

Benefits of AMP

You may say the sole aim of AMP is to ensure faster loading of mobile pages and improving UX or user experience. The proponents of AMP enable better content engagement with subsequently loading it in other locations. If you use AMP, it can make way for a range of benefits for your mobile website. Here are the prominent ones:

  • Allow loading app web view of any modern browser
  • Speed requirement lesser than 50kb CSS
  • Reduced use of JavaScript
  • No requirement of analytical services and providers

AMP makers have especially focused on lazy loading, pre-connecting, prefetching, and pre-rendering. Quite naturally, it enables unfolding web pages at a lightning speed. Thanks to its introduction, now readers viewing a page will have comparably much pleasant experience. The idea that a page would start loading before a visitor lands on them made AMP receive appreciation from content publishers and tech giants.

The AMP Journey

Nonetheless, AMP has never been at the top of the digital marketing; the reason being several loopholes in the framework that deter it from making self-sufficient. Thankfully, numerous developments like the addition of new features have touched AMP to make it better than its initial proprietary format. Even then, statistics opine that it is now available in less than .1% web pages across the web globally. Hence, the decision of Google to implement AMP benefits would mean that its team would require performing several modifications before launching in into the market.

Suggested Improvisations from Google

As per the announcements, Google aims at leveraging AMP to meet a set of performance and experience criteria alongside implementing new web standards. The Google experts are working to focus on various important aspects like:

  • Web Packaging
  • Performance Timeline
  • Feature Policy
  • Paint Timing, and
  • iframe promotion.

Google has not given any timelines yet on the availability of these features or improvisations. Nevertheless, whenever it happens, you can expect this new Google version to reap widespread adoption with media-rich websites for sure.

To conclude, with Google trying its best to simplify the searching behavior of its users, the implementation of AMP in its advanced form would surely be the much-awaited technological disruption.

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