Google’s “Helpful Content Update” Rewards Creators Who Prioritize People Over Bots

The Content Team 2 years ago
When looking for answers on Google, sometimes it takes many failed attempts to finally find valuable content that scratches a searcher's itch. The major reason behind this is the filler content or search-engine-first content distribution strategy that many content creators around the web incorporate to garner more traffic to their websites. Thus, to enhance the search experience of the users and to get rid of the content deemed as "unhelpful", Google has rolled out "Helpful Content Update." This Google algorithm will initially impact English searches and will expand to other languages in the coming future.

What is Google's Helpful Content Update?

It is the latest algorithm update rolled out by the tech giant Google in an effort to ensure people connect with helpful content on its search engine. Google has always preferred high-quality content that satisfies users' experience; thus, this update is a part of the broader effort to identify and rank people-first content that is helpful and relevant to a query.

Is Google's Helpful Content Update a Game Changer?

Google has been moving in the direction of a people-first content approach for many years. This algorithm update will impact all the content on the web that caters to search-engine first. The mantra to rank content on Google is absolutely simple - Be helpful, or you will be evicted from the search ranking race. This is where availing of professional content writing services can lend you a hand. Professional content creators are well-versed in producing compelling and useful content that drives traffic organically to the website.

Here're the key takeaways from the latest Google Algorithm Update:

1. Consistent, high-quality content always wins

Content is and will always be the mighty king that decides the fate of your website ranking. Creating compelling content that adds value to searchers is rewarded, so it is always a good idea to consider using content creation services that can help you churn in-depth, informative content focused on the queries of the target audience.

2. Avoid covering every topic under the sun

Once you have defined your niche, Google advises you to stick to it instead of just blindly creating content for any topic that you may find interesting. It's time to change if you've been publishing material that isn't relevant to your chosen niche, as Google may not appreciate that you are more concerned about the search engine than your human readers.

3. Provide a satisfying experience

Delivering a positive user experience each and every time is essential if you want visitors to return to your website and Google to rank you highly in the SERPs. This means that your content should be understandable, address all of the reader's concerns, and center on the subjects that they are most interested in. If delivering an impressive user experience seems like a daunting task to you, then Whitevox, being a full-spectrum content marketing services provider in India, can help you achieve widespread success in the digital landscape.
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